British-Irish Association logo
British-Irish Association logo
Hapenny Bridge, Dublin


The BIA has no permanent endowment and depends for its continuing existence on grants from official funds and the generosity of individual and corporate sponsors.

Current sponsors include the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the Northern Ireland Office, the Welsh Government, Queen's University Belfast, Ulster University, AIB, ESB, Mr Patrick Handley and Mr John McGrane.

We are very grateful to them and always glad to hear from potential sponsors.

The British-Irish Association
Prama House, 267 Banbury Road
Oxford, OX2 7HT
+44 (0)1865 557344
Registered Charity Number 1194733
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The British-Irish Association
267 Banbury Road
Oxford, OX2 7HT
+44 (0)1865 557344
Registered Charity No. 1194733
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2024 The British-Irish Association  |  site map
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2024 The British-Irish Association
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2024 The British-Irish Association